Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Green Schools Conference

Green Vision Green Schools K-12 Conference

April 4, 2009, 8AM to 5PM, San José Fairmont Hotel

Sponsored by City of San José Environmental Services

The City of San José’s third annual environmental schools conference, Green Vision / Green Schools, will be held Saturday, April 4, 2009, from 8AM to 5PM at the San José Fairmont Hotel, 170 South Market Street, San José.

Teachers, parents, principals, students, counselors, and other community members from throughout the South Bay Area are invited to attend. We especially encourage school district superintendents, administrators, and school board members to participate.

The conference links the City’s Green Vision, a landmark fifteen year plan to create a green future for San José, with the greening of San José’s schools. The conference will showcase ways schools and school districts can save money while protecting natural resources and fostering the next generation of environmental stewards.

The conference this year is organized around four themes or tracks:

· Gold from Green: Green School Facilities Saving Energy, Water, Waste and School Budgets

for school district superintendents, administrators, school board members

· Green Schools 101: Basic How tos for Beginners

(recycling, composting, gardens, funding…)

· Green Schools Beyond the Basics: Next Steps for Intermediate Green Schoolers

· Connecting Children with Nature: Environmental Education / Local Nature Field Trips

Keynote speakers include Stephen Bantillo, assistant director of the California Department of Conservation’s Beverage Recycling Program, and local environmental studies teaching legend Frank Schiavo.

To register or for further information, go to the conference website or email the San José Go Green Schools Program:



1 comment:

Jonna (aka Gaia) said...

Thanks Shosh! I'll still be in Ecudador, but maybe I can find someone else interested in going?